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Curtin Student Actuarial Society

How to Become an Options Trader

Fri, 25 Mar 2022
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM


In this workshop we will understand firsthand what it’s like to be an options trader. This workshop will cover trading, market making, an introduction to options and volatility, and discuss the vast career opportunities in this space. We will also play an interactive trading game so bring your phone or laptop with you.

About the Presenter:

Adrian Dudek completed a PhD in mathematics (researching number theory) before trading options at Optiver for five years. These days he is Head of Academic Partnerships at Optiver and focuses on bringing the industry experience to universities.

Ticket Type Price
Registration $0.00 Sale Ended
108:102 (Curtin University)
Kent St, Bentley WA 6102, Australia

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

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