Curtin Student Actuarial Society
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The Student Actuarial Society (SAS) is both an academic and social club.
We aim to provide opportunities for Curtin actuarial students including skills workshops, networking and social events.
Students can use this club as a gateway to engage with leading industry professionals and gain access to additional resources to further help them with their studies and career.
Our social events are used to connect students both within and across year levels to encourage peer support, academic
assistance and guidance.
SAS promotes professionalism, communication, cooperation and leadership among members.
For more information visit our home website curtinactuary.com
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As our society is a part of the Curtin Student Guild we ask that you please familiarise yourself with the Safe Spaces Agreement.
We expect all members/attendees at our events be respectful to others - this ensures that our society can foster a safe space for all people regarless of their background. If you have been found to making our events an unsafe space, you will be asked to leave.